From mid October until the start of the ski season, athletes & snow addicts around the world go crazy. The days are getting shorter and temperatures are getting colder; our time to play outside in shorts and t-shirts is coming to an end. The days of running, hiking, climbing, and mountain biking are numbered - and frankly, those activities aren't much fun when it's freezing cold. As we cling to the last warm(ish) days, our minds wander to darker and colder places. We impatiently prep our winter gear for action, even though the resorts don't open for another 20 days...
Aspen received it's first real snow storm this week, and we couldn't hold back the excitement any longer. So at 6:45am I skinned up Aspen Mountain with Sam Coffey (@samcoffeyy), Garrett Greene (@ggr33n3), and Milo Stark (@milo_stark) to see what we could find. Happy to report we had an awesome little adventure! Here's to a long, safe, and deep winter!!